VMZ-25 Multi-Vitamin

VMZ-25 Multi-Vitamin is now discontinued. We’re thrilled to introduce Hestevard Vitatude + Protein, the upgraded version of VMZ-25 Multi-Vitamin. This enhanced formula now includes high-quality proteins to support muscle recovery and overall vitality, alongside essential vitamins. Experience improved health and performance with our new and powerful supplement.



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This product is part of the Hestevard Professional Range and only available to order via your equine vet. Please email info@hestevard.com if you have any questions, we are very happy to help.

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Our best for your Equine

Electrolyte Replacement

A balanced blend of the 5 key electrolytes: Sodium, Chloride, Potassium, Calcium & Magnesium Formulated to replace electrolytes lost through heavy sweating during competition or training.


Suitable for horses or ponies.


Powdered supplements offer convenient and versatile administration.
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Product Knowledge

VMZ-25 Multi-Vitamin is now discontinued. We’re thrilled to introduce Hestevard Vitatude + Protein, the upgraded version of VMZ-25 Multi-Vitamin. This enhanced formula now includes high-quality proteins to support muscle recovery and overall vitality, alongside essential vitamins. Experience improved health and performance with our new and powerful supplement.